Completing my little circle, we once again arrive at the inevitable philosophical axiom, i.e., we are all, regardless of sex, endowed by our Creator with the potential to express ourselves in a social sense as TOTAL human beings. But, in this culture, this totality of expression is only condoned in the female. Therefore our society and several others, finds itself confronted with persons who MUST express femininity; males, who because of bigoted attitudes must don the apparel and assume the complete appearance of the female in order to express this important side of their personality in a fashion acceptable to society, provided they can pass as female. Of course, it isn't necessary to "pass" in public, only gratifying.

A person who possesses a strong feminine component, be he male or female, is usually endowed with a sense of aesthetic appreciation. It follows that some of us (males) would appreciate the feel of silk, nylon, satin and lace, but it also follows that what truly FORCES a TV to complete his appearance as a FEMALE is the fact that these attitudes and appreciations are not acceptable while entombed in the standard masculine role, not even to HIM as a result of his own cultural conditioning to the contrary.

I believe we desire to share the world of feminine expression because of three things:

1) We are created with the potential

2) We are pre-disposed to express this potential

3) We have found, because of this pre-disposition, that there must be more for men than total masculinity.

We have found a very basic philosophical truth, though I'm sure few of us have thought of it quite this way. We are exhibiting a part, our potential for Oneness with God.




"You're no gentleman!" cried the TV when a sudden gust of wind swept her skirts around her head and a bystander laughed at her distress. "And I can see you're no lady," he replied, adding panic to injury.